Sunday, October 12, 2008



This is my story about lions...Lions are very fierce and brave. Lions mate at the age of 3 or 4 years old. If a predator comes then the mom lion says to the lion cubs to hide in the grass because lion cubs have spots on them so they can easily blend into the grass and because the grass in Africa where most lions live or in Asia there is very long grass.Then the mom makes a growling noise and that usually scares away the predator if not the mom has to fight so that the predator doesn't eat the lion cubs. The dad is usually fighting other animals to eat for there meals. And that is a little about lions and lion cubs!!!!!!!
P.S. I love lions and lion cubs .I think they are so cool and they are my favorite animal so that is why you should recycle and not cut down as many trees!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! I love lions and lion cubs so much and if you don't you should love them a lot now because they deserve to be loved a lot and a lot more then they are loved now!!!! THANK YOU IF YOU LOVE THEM NOW AND USED TO NOT LOVE THEM A LOT OR YOU ALWAYS LOVED THEM!!!!! Because you should love them a ton!!!! Remember to love them! PLEASE!!!


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